ࡱ> )&'(_(  T Xwww.cdc.gov&http://www.cdc.gov/l www.tripprep.com0http://www.tripprep.com/l www.tripprep.com0http://www.tripprep.com/F/ 0|DArialville Old ll-a0"DTahomaille Old ll-a0" DTimes New Romanll-a00DWingdingsRomanll-a0@DBaskerville Old Face-a0 A .  @n?" dd@  @@`` HH.      !"#$%&'()*+,-./HH5FG 0AA@823)ʚ;ʚ;g4CdCd8{ -a0ppp@ <4dddd8))0l` .0___PPT10 ___PPT9|V* Name of Program STUDY ABROAD ORIENTATION 0+0(00Term and Year Date PROGRAM STAFF$Director s name and contact info (on campus and abroad) Other instructors and contact info Teaching Assistants Administrative Staff and their role ACADEMICS  STUDY Abroad: first and foremost an academic experience Must be enrolled in classes to participate Courses taught: (list course #s, call #s and titles below or provide handout) Required course load: ___ credits Subject to è policies as if you were on campus vZZXZs>W     REGISTRATION (Program specific instructions Deadline:  ) ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONSHand out syllabus, if possible # of hours spent in class per day Approximate # of hours required outside of class to complete readings, papers, projects Assignments Materials to bring from home Academic resources available abroad Unique opportunities "ZACADEMIC FACILITIES*Classroom location Library/Internet access++ ACADEMIC SUPPORTRhodes Study Abroad programs are required to provide reasonable accommodations for students with documented learning disabilities Make arrangements ASAP - At least 4 weeks before departure! It is student s responsibility to contact Melissa Butler in Disabilities Services Complete appropriate section on health form and discuss needs with Program Director.fZ   ITINERARY hHand out program itinerary w/ dates of travel, class days, days off, group excursions, special events ,fi  IMPORTANT DATES/DEADLINES(Payments due: (Review refund schedule at this time) Return paperwork by: Registration deadline reminder: Next orientation Departure date or Program begins: Other6$i  FLIGHTSGroup flight arrangements Airline, Flight number Where to meet How to sign up if participation is optional Recommendations for arranging own flights Airport to fly into Airlines When to be there Reasonable fare ZQZ*Z>ZZZQ*>    INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAVEL(You must have a passport Check in at least three hours before departure Do not leave bags unattended Carry ticket and passport on your person Name on plane ticket must match passport   AIRPORT TRANSFERInstructions for group flight Recommendations for independent travelers (how to get from airport to accommodation, meeting place, or school) Expected cost (if not included in program fee or if traveling independently)@HD= PASSPORTS Apply at any full service post office On-line Resources: http://travel.state.gov/passport/ http://www.usps.com/passport/welcome.htm Renew if passport will expire within 6 months of anticipated return date Apply for passport immediately - Allow 10-12 weeks for processing, or 8-10 weeks expedited service Keep photocopy of passport, give copy to Program Director Store in a safe place or keep it on you if required by law in host countryJ;ZKZ1Z;K1<; !2>0;[ ENTRY VISA (Requirements for host country U.S. citizens (List requirements) Non-U.S. citizens May need visa even if U.S. citizens do not See program director Meet with Buckman Center Staff re: maintaining U.S. immigration status How to obtain a visa Documentation Required: Cost Timeline for obtaining a visaZ4ZZPZ P  JET LAGDuring the flight: Try to sleep Drink plenty of water Avoid caffeine and alcohol Wear comfortable clothing Change watch to local time at destination Upon arrival Follow local time schedule for meals and sleep Moderate exercise Eat healthy, drink lots of fluids (water and juices)lZZ ZwZ  wWEATHERWhat to expect: Temperatures Weather conditions Appropriate gear and attire: (ex. rubber boots, umbrella, gloves, winter coat, sunglasses, sun hat) X>E WHAT TO PACK Local culture: BE SPECIFIC about clothing that is/is not appropriate (ex. No spaghetti straps, no shorts, skirts must be below the knee, need sport coat for visits to businesses Program activities: Describe clothing that is appropriate/necessary Identify other things needed/handy for program Electricity Different voltage and plug shapes Leave appliances at home or get good adapter/converter Weather Provide temperature range and typical weather for season Describe appropriate clothing for climate/seasonPPPaP PYPPjPa Y  i PACKING TIPS  You should be able to carry your luggage one block and up a flight of stairs BY YOURSELF! Start packing several days before departure Avoid over packing You will need less than you would at home It s okay to wear the same thing often Put your name and contact info on luggage tag and inside bag Leave some room for things you will acquire Travel backpacks, suitcases with wheels recommendedHZQZZQ ACCOMMODATIONOType of accommodation Location of accommodation Provide realistic expectations PPMEALSMeals provided by program Information re: where students will eat Provide realistic expectations for food provided Estimated cost for meals not provided by program "KEEPING IN TOUCH>Phones Only international access cell phones work overseas Pre-paid phone cards work well Calling cards know access code for host country (obtain before departing USA) E-mail Most affordable way to communicate Can access your Rhodes account through Outlook Web Internet cafes (cost) MailZZZlZZfCOSTSList what is included in program fee Itemize additional costs Provide realistic estimate (range) for additional amount needed Have some cash set aside and a credit card for emergencies 8~;MONEYLocal currency= Current exchange rate= Best exchange rates: ATM, credit cards Cost of living (provide a few sample costs, such as 1 can soda or candy bar, meal in restaurant, bus fare)*][ACCESSING FUNDSHave more than one way to access funds Provide info on best method for destination ATM/Debit card Availability Know numeric PIN and account designated for int l access Credit Cards (Visa and Mastercard most widely accepted High interest rates for cash advances Traveler s checks Becoming harder to use high fees for exchange Good for emergency Buy currency using cashSZ " ZF" Z7 " Z&" Z " ZA" Z " Z',F7  &A  FINANCIAL AIDG Talk with a member of the Buckman Center staff regarding Financial Aid2ZGZG#,GREATEST DANGERS FACING U.S. STUDENTS ABROAD--(; Traffic accidents Petty crime Illness Imprudent behavior R: ZZ$9## LEGAL MATTERSYou are bound by the laws of the host country List laws and penalties in the host country that are different and relevant (ex. Pepper spray illegal in UK, illegal to photograph military installations and gov t buildings, penalties for drug possession) In the event of legal problems, U.S. Embassy or consulate can provide assistance*M.Q| PRE-DEPARTURE HEALTH PRECAUTIONS!!( Complete health/disability form completely Program staff can better assist, if you need medical care Make arrangements for continuing care abroad See your doctor Discuss health concerns and potential impact of international travel Get necessary prescriptions for duration of trip + 1 weekX+g+gPRE-DEPARTURE HEALTH continued(  HEALTH PRECAUTIONSDestination details: doctor and hospital info Avoid street food Make sure drinking water is potable If sexually active: Use good judgment--know partner s history Use latex condoms Bring with you: Over the counter drugs and prescriptions All medications IN ORIGINAL CONTAINERS Extra glasses, contacts/cleaning solution Basic first aid itemsdxZ<ZZZx<! STAYING HEALTHYWash hands often with soap and water Prevent water borne illnesses Rely on bottled or boiled water, carbonated beverages in cans/bottles Avoid tap water, water fountains, fountain drinks, ice cubes Avoid swimming in fresh water Prevent food borne illnesses Avoid food from street vendors, un-pasteurized dairy products Peel it, boil it, cook it or forget it! Protection from sun - Sunscreen, hat, sunglasses Protection from insects - Repellent w/ DEET, long sleeves/pants, netsCZZZfZwZCfv"!SAMPLE FIRST AID KITCarry the following in a ziploc bag Wound care: Bandaids in assorted sizes, hand sanitizer, gauze pads, cloth tape, ace bandage Miscellaneous: Tweezers, scissors, thermometer Over the counter Medications: Topical antibiotic cream (bacitracin) Analgesic/Anti-inflammatory (Tylenol, Ibuprofin) Benadryl, Sudafed Antacid (Maalox, Mylanta)/H-2 Blockers (Pepcid, Zantac) Anti-diarrheal (Immodium, Pepto)0ZPZZ ZZZ0P    ( < #" INTERNATIOANL MEDICAL INSURANCE!!(Included in program fee for all è programs Pay for minor services up front Submit claim for reimbursement Provides coverage for: Medical care Emergency medical evacuation Repatriation of remains Family reunification 2ZXZX$#GENERAL SAFETY TIPS Remember that foreigners are more vulnerable to crime Keep a low profile Try to blend in behavior and appearance Avoid baseball caps, T-shirts with American emblems Speak English quietly Be aware of your surroundings Walk with purpose (check maps in private) Ignore unwanted attention Avoid carrying large amounts of cash/valuables Take precautions against pick pocketing (money belt/pouch) Limit alcohol intake Avoid political demonstrations Have more than one way to access funds Keep others informed re: your whereaboutsHJPrPQPJrQ%$SAFETY TIPS FOR DESTINATION0( (((List safety concerns and prevention tips))&% ANTI-AMERICAN SENTIMENT*(((dWhat is it? Usually written or verbal criticism related to U.S. foreign policy and/or cultural influence How to deal with it: Don t take it personally Ignore unwanted attention from strangers Be well-informed of history and current events In conversations: Use it as an opportunity to learn more about host country Ask questions about the person s beliefs, national sentiment on particular issues Share your thoughts and experiences | Z]ZZZZ ]  '&AGREEMENT AND WAIVERSStudent agreement: Outlines basic è expectations for participation in study abroad Review along with program itinerary Statement of Responsibility and Assumption of Risk: Identifies potential risks of participation Review along with Consular Information Sheet All participants must sign both documents and return them to program staffZiZ4ZYZKZE#4,-K('GENDER AND RELATIONSHIPS(Unintended messages Gender roles as defined by host culture Appropriate/inappropriate behavior Assess safety of new acquaintances Deal with unwanted attention: Avoid eye contact Dress appropriately for local culture Ignore it, walk with purpose *VV)(RACE AND ETHNICITYDiscuss perceptions of different racial and ethnic groups in the host country Discuss treatment students can expect to receive in the host culture related to race and ethnicity Discuss issues of racism in the host country*)ALCOHOL AND DRUGS_Give student version of alcohol policy clarification Abide by legal drinking age in host country Abuse of alcohol impairs judgment, increases risk of accident/injury Respect host country norms re: alcohol consumption and behavior Program rules/limits Subject to è policies Remember that violating drug laws can have serious consequences Z^ZZZ5e+*STUDENT CONDUCT^List/explain program rules/expectations for behavior Describe culturally appropriate behavior __,+CULTURAL DIFFERENCES.Highlight some unique aspects of host culture //-,CULTURAL IMMERSIONProvide realistic expectations re: opportunities to interact with local population Describe ways program facilitates cultural immersion Describe student role in creating cultural immersion experience ..- CULTURE SHOCK%NORMAL reaction to new environment May feel overwhelmed, lonely, homesick, dislike things about host culture Cope by: Recognizing it Talking with others in program Keeping a journal Concentrating on positive aspects of host culture Establishing new routines Not calling/e-mailing home too much2vZZv 0` fzodf̙` Z\l[]kfEo` f3̙` hk]gj\fݿO` d^fPP̙f` N]1Ra3z` K` ~{3f` fff>?" dd@,?%Pd@ d %P@d`%P n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` `6p>> `(  F|T   "/b  # "   D0e0e    B C>DETF\   ; 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p A)BCD|E||UtBstc=\;;d{}>C O9 . }  +,@S"w\v    0e0e    B~C> DEF   ~@ 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p A)BCD|E||!!A|:Gt[R[xQKSFT> "     OM ;~DU3CD@S"\    t0e0e    BdC# DElFt   ~@ 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p A)BCD|E||QHSqsuNp^^ Y # lj  2 s j X    ^d78@S"-xP    0e0e    BC DEF   ; 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p A)BCD|E||##PR5i?-GEUFIv|o  q }? 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